
Born: 25/7-1971 in Lund, Sweden

Living: Solna, Sweden (a city adjacent to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden)

Language: Fluent: verbal and writing Swedish, English, Danish Understands: Norwegian and some German

Family: I am single, my parent’s lives in south of Sweden and my older brother with family lives in Stockholm

Abroad/Travel experience: I moved to Stockholm in 1991 and relocated to Copenhagen, Denmark in year 2000. In the first half of 2016 I moved back to Stockholm again. I lived in Denmark for 16 years and I like to travel and experience other cultures. I have been in 40+ countries in Europe, North & South America, Africa and Asia

Interest: I like to exercise by running and have performed some half marathons. Skiing, biking, tennis and football are also fun activities. Otherwise I enjoy photography, cooking and just hanging out in my local surroundings